Montag, 28. Januar 2008

grain, breakfast & hollywood

issue #19

what a title! My head's all empty this very moment, spent the day to get a couple of lousy RAWs of a concept i'm working on for my portfolio and I am quite far from being satisfied. And these darn toothaches are getting to me. Well, so, here I am again, in front of le mac, drinking espresso, listening to Abbey Road and posting.

Hasselblad 500 c/m + Portra400nc + Boredom = total waste of material

door & towel.

canon scanner & cleaning liquid.

my bed, in between sheet-changing.

cup of espresso on the floor.

Ah, had to return the Hasselblad to school and didn't even manage to fill the whole roll, so i took some frames during class. Michi.

Anna in a rather uncommon, enthusiastic moment.

APX400, shot at 400.. too grainy for what I expect from a ISO400 b/w film, but well, yougetwhatupay4.. whoosh, that was some great stylish writing. Whatever: sister on couch in the morning.

Marta came around for breakfast.

I went to GREAT lengths setting up the little break-fest.

I focussed on the glass. Why did I do this? I have no idea.

Christian wrote a little screenplay for university and so we got some gear and started to realize this piece of work.

Hanns took the main part.

Hanns without his cunning leather-jacket.

Christian, looking "directorish".

Phil gave his best being the best-boy.

Robin, head of audio-department. ;-)

It's lonely being number one.

After shooting we treated ourselves to some yummy kebab.


Two studs.

Christian pretending to read the papers..

woaaah contrast. last frame on le slidè, as the french use to say.

well, there's another funny "oh my god the guy doesn't know how to handle his camera"-story behind this frame. The evening that followed the first day of filming didn't hold pretty much so I thought I just load a bottle of good red and some music into my hip messengerbag and pay lovely Marie a visit. Marie's quite photo-shy, I know her for like.. 4 years and don't have a SINGLE frame of her because she's always on guard when I have a camera handy. This night we got terribly, terribly wasted due to too much red & green and I could take pictures without her even NOTICING. Her playing the guitar etc etc etc. Well, because I also was quite.. well yes, the F80 was set to multi-exposure und I shot all 3 or 4 or 5 exposures on one frame, noticing the next day that the counter still said: 1.

Rushed to the filming location the next day quite hung-over & late.

Phil drove back to my house gathering some equipment I forgot.

There's a thing about taking pictures of people eating: You don't take pictures of people eating. So here's a frame of Christian eating.

The pizza-break was followed up by the obligatory cigarette-break. Phil likes funny hats.

Cropped. Phil, Christian, Alex.

Your trustworthy postal worker.

After another 4 or 5 hours of shooting I returned home and prepared some salad.

hmpf. I tried to make a little hole in the eggshell so it wouldn't burst leaving it in the water too long. Sadly the holes were far from little, so the eggs bled out into the water and my salad became a vegan one.

... but who cares about the food when it's followed up by espresso & creamy milk.

Early Evening, le mac & some red.

Later Evening: Pint and two shots.

Graf sticked with "Weezn". ( wheat beer?)

Maddin, as always keeping his cool.

Graf elegantly leaning out of focus. *grr*

Later that night (when I was out of film....) that guy approached our table and told us his life-story of alcoholism and whatever. He looked like a perfect turkish version of Al Pacino, seriously.

Lady in the bar window. How should a cheap window mannequin attract people to enter a bar? Well, I / We truly hate this spot anyway, but there was simply NOTHING else open this very night.

Shooting APX, giving Trix away to fellow shutterbugs.. Good for my Karma I hope?

Robin & Graf.

so much for now,
take care,

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