Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2008

Freitag, 28. November 2008

Verdammt, Hannover !

issue #33

Well, it's been a while since my last post. In Hannover since late September due to educational reasons.. A lot of new faces, many old faces are beeing missed desperately.. Looking forward to bringing the old band back together on christmas.. Cheers to all of you, wherever you may be.. Wien, Mainz, Lautern, Marburg, Wuerzburg, Frankfurt, Ottersberg, Koeln, back in Duerkheim .... ! After not shooting digital at all for a relaxed period of like.. 6 months I went pro by hurling myself into debts and buying an overpriced lousy nikon digital camera. That of course resulted in shooting like a maniac and creating an BILDERFLUT on my harddrive.. And because i'm WAY to lazy to upload 300 pictures to this blog I uploaded them all to flickr, for your entertainment..


A smaller selection still shown here:

Michi and Lise having a smoke.. Trees outside our living room still green... Some time ago.

Who does not LOVE that stuff..? The sound, the sense of accomplishment if you "pop" a lot of em at the same time... Pure Joy.

Robin & Judith visited us.. Couchfun.

A sunny sunday morning in Hannover...

Lunch. Delicious. mhhhhm.

*humm opening of black sabbath - iron man now*

some boring graphic "street".

On our way to a gathering of some sort... Because we're mad danger-seekers we had some Wine in the subway.. 50 Euros for getting caught but hey, you only live once, right?


- without words -

Meet the friendly photocrowd.

"What's cooler then beeing cool?" "ICECOOOLD"

Anna with my very beloved pseudoindie shades.

Annika fooling around with Digger.

Anna getting artistic.

Jo.. sitting, smoking, as usual.

Catching a tram at 5 AM, runing into a movie set.. just raised the friggin camera and already got shouted at, so only one bad spyshot of some "policemen".

Walking home. aaaaw.

Got on a train to visit my dear Mainzers.

Robin instantly took me out shopping for food.

Phil, unsatisfied with his day at university tried to drown his sorrow in beer. old-fashioned fatecoping.

Judith celebrating her african roots..

candlelight booze-up.

Goooood morning Judith.

Back in Hannover.

"why sssso seriousss??????"

Anna making that very special anna-face.

Totes Kapital.

Later thad day, Sprengel Museum.. Ran into Jannis and..


Driving around in Hannover.. out-of-the-car-ography.

Mario got a bit over-excited about the fact that we were invited to a party.


Walking to Gretjes party.

..Phil already was there, quite a commited costume!

Does somebody recall that evil, strange cat from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

some mad-ass-robo-dance-action.

I stole Michi's head and started to argue with Jo.

- without words -

Jannis arrived late so had to catch up.

"just... just get me home..."

The other day, at "work".

Studio-class aka "Knut's Lightshow"

Roman and Sophia.

Knut, Kai, Heidi Klum.

Micha (pirate).

Anna going girlie by doing her nails in the lecture.

We put on some nice clothes.. well.. most of us... and showed up at some Vernissage.

The ultimate photo-critic.

Phil, calm.

After we got all wined up we went to Anna's place.


Mario purchasing some goods.




Another day at our place.. Mario at ease.

Fun & Games.. Ken Rockwell joined our circle.

Another boring graphic "street".

The other Anna, after university...

well, so far so good.