Sonntag, 11. März 2007

when you're in rome... pt. 1


last month i attended a very special journey. Nine students, two teachers, four days, one city. Namely, rome. To end our personal journey through the endless years of school we decided to spend a good time together in this very KICKASSy city.

Felix is eager to leave Germany to avoid further trouble with the government.

Welcome to the worst airport in Europe.. or so we thought. Frankfurt Hahn.

Christian during our wait in Hahn.

Hanna ( more or less the person who organized.. er.. well.. most of the trip ) on the bus from the airport in rome to the city and our hotel.

After our arrival at the beautiful "hotel" Casali, Felix instantly made himself ready for going out.. the orginal quote was: "I've brought along a very fine fragrance."

The first even was only documented on awesome portra film.. coming up.

A couple of hours later we returned from the "Druid's Rock" to our room.. Felix had some patriotic fantasies going on.

After spending most of the night in our beds, tired and happy we got up the next morning for .. well..

"hey ! we didn't visit that church yet!"

one of a thousand...

Hanna and Dr. Sasse planning the route of the day.

Christian, with awesome flare...

Christian and Michi beeing the coolest persons all around the.. well.. rotten, old... thing.

Felix likes to cross the frame.

Marlene had some problems with her well-shaped, beautiful feet. Felix sticked around to make sure she's okay.

a streetlamp in front of some random building.. must be some kind of stadium...

Later that afternoon we witnessed an alien landing.. quite impressive those landing ships...

We lost Dr. Sasse in some catacombs.. but we decided not to go back and get him but to just wait 'till he finds out by himself. Didn't work out very good...

Marlene wearing some super-awesome shades.

Hanna in the colosseum

Christian enjoys beeing a tourist.

Some weird ladies were stalking me and taking pictures of me... i was really afraid !

Dr. Sasse is a true hero. why? Because he managed to get us tickets for the colosseum AND the palatin. Don't you get it? that's like... SUPER-AWESOME! no seriously, he was proud like a king ... but didn't tell us what he had to do / say to get these tickets. There's definitely some kind of dark secret..

Please allow me to introduce myself, i'm a man of wealth and taste. I've been around for a long long year, stole many a man's soul and faith. Sympathy for Mr. Franken?

Another wait.. this time Mr. Franken insisted on spending some time in the pantheon..

I was the first one to return to our room, so i enjoyed the privilege of actually having some time all for myself.. so i did what every male guy of my age would have done...

...namely: listening to some good music, having a snack, crossreading a mag, having an ice-cold local beer.

After dinner we gathered again in our room for drinks.

Mr. Franken and Christian in deep thought.

Well, that's more like it. Annika singing along to Prodigy. heellllooo? There are more fitting songs to sing-along to, aren't there? Well, whatever, nice scene.

Woah.. again a rather serious picture.. cannot be !

What the hell..? Michi in a very melancholic pose..

Maren and Annika did something.. stupid, which resulted in both of them falling of the bed.

Marlene and Hanna.

this extends my personal definition of "mad dancing"!.

Cheerio, Mrs. Sophie! Marlene on her way to.. well.. losing it a bit.. :)

Felix still is able to at least LOOK sober.

Christian is gettin very... enthusiastic these hours.

the last picture of this night, we fell into our beds way later.. at 5:something AM.. and got up for Sightseeing again the next morning. Some of us. Not me. :)

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