Sonntag, 27. April 2008

Kiss the streets goodbye.

issue #26

what a title, geese..
last rolls of my last stay in hongkong earlier this year, and another roll I left there in the fridge back in '07. :-) So, strictly chronological: some frames taken last autumn on Tmax400 +-0.

My room at the Hostel in Mirador Mansion.. cozy place !

same position, 180° turned.

Leaving the hostel this was your view down 16 floors to where the inner yard might be.

more "while-having-a-smoke"-ography.

Weather was quite ok these days...

Hongkong Island, shot from Kowloon side...

Classic cliché junk. Yes, that's what it's called.

Random people on random streets.

...good question, though.

Cab-detail, on my way to Koni's lofty residence...

Walked the last couple of meters.. that's the view from "up there".

Introducing; le konèy.

So, that was '07, now some fresh stuff, all frames taken on Trix with the lovely Fm2n and various lenses.. who would have thought. So, behold:

My stomach was quite rebellious on that day, so I struggled with myself wether to go down towards the city or not.. Well, obviously I got over it but after one stop on the bus it was FLOODED by students giggling and shouting and.. getting old & grumpy here. whatever, followed some of them around to find some new places.. creepy me.

Freedom. FULLVIEW!. =)

I always wonder how very old people (80+, and she sure was) receive such a city like hongkong around them.. constantly comparing it to how it has looked 40 years ago? Dunno..

I got obsessed with the traffic a tiny little bit..

the sigma 15-30 used on a 35mm fullformat really gets fisheyey on you..

...just like sitting next to Han Solo when he's hopping into hyperspace..

Damn these chinese schoolboys are hardcore.. It rained like hell and they are out for some basketball.

Yay for ghetto-shot.. through bars, deep...

Hopped on the MTR.

More "hey, let's take some pictures of passing cars with 1/15s"-tryouts.

"Turn left, PWEEAASE!"

nice clean & glassy structures in Admiralty.

Blade-runner 2d.

Slowly, the natural light vanishes and the scenery is lit up by itself.. Met up with Koni at the Computer Centre to spent my remaining Hongkong Dollars & to get Applestuff for Dad.

Afterwards we had some delicious vietnamese food, quite a nice start-off for the evening, despite Koni being borderline "funny"... I'll spare you the details.

Yeah. you're a Tiger. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?

A calm moment of calmness.

Later that night, at the Happy Valley horse racing course..

After spending some time on finding out how the bet-action works we actually got a chance to loose our money! How can a horse by the name of "Speed Fighter" NOT WIN? Darn hack..

We spent the rest of my last night in HK in some random bar in Wanchai.. Light wasn't that good blabla that's the only frame I can provide for like.. 3 hours or so of solid drinking.

Took a cab towards our beds, city rushing by..

Returning to your room for the last night of your stay, being slightly hammered and then realizing that you still have to PACK before you can leave in the morning.. priceless.

So, that's it with Hongkong.

Gotta go to bed now, photography class tomorrow.. If you're looking for some good hip hop these days you might take a look at Blue Scholar's "Bayani" ! Bigga-up M.F. for hooking me up with good music once more.. :-)

take care,

Dienstag, 8. April 2008

And It Stoned Me...

issue #25

I am about fifteen rolls behind on the last post, so here we go. But first some Yays and Ohs: Yay, got approval for the next round in order to study photojournalism in Hannover, Oh for my Berlin Portfolio which got rejected, Yay for.. well. and Oh for my Dortmund portfolio still not being done.. of course there's only one to blame. right; society.

First roll, color, mostly Leica stuff, but did screw up again, the film wandered through several cameras and I produced some lovely double exposures. Some turned out as bob-rossish "happy accidents". Here we go.

Michi after a very nice "let's take a Sinar large format camera and try to act pro in public"-session. Sundawn over Heidelberg, sitting somewhere on the hill looking down, good stuff.

Went home and showered.

and it begins... Grandpa writing something / cityfloor.

car next to trashbin / some tree.

christian on bed / something greenish,treeish, blueish.

Ruchheim parking space / Adidas.

Back to Black. and White. It was Mum's Birthday, I wasn't in such a snappy mode, so only very few frames.

Mother bouncing around on the left side, Ursel in focus.

Mother decided to hide behind her super-awesome Canon Powershot xy, aunt and her husband to her right. Had a good time chatting with auntie and Ralf about the mystery of oceanic flight 815.

My aunt's husband, Ralf.

Standing around in the hall.. too dark, whatever.

Change of location, it was Marie's birthday as well. On my way in I bounced into good 'ol Sadam shining on the wall... there's that smiiileee.

Christian surprised us with some singing.

Last frame, afterwards I ..well.. let's just say I didn't take any more pictures . End of story.

Another roll.. Color again, Superia400. Back at Grandma's birthday again...

Chendalier watching over our every move.

Grand-uncle Dietfried through the flowers.

yay for "concept" "art".

erika, grandma, sophie.

more "concept" "art".

Found a banana in the staircase.. yummy.

The other day.. Went to school to develop some rolls, but before the darkroom work I treated myself to delicous cafeteria breakfast.

hihi... yeah right.

back at home, took the last frame in the garden, kinda like it.

Another night. Some Tri-X shot at 3200 with the FM2. Good 'ol Storyville, getting wasted / polluted without any reason.

Graf returned from Stockholm the other night, with good stories on swedish girls & Ryanair.

Judith returned from Lausanne, this time not only for a couple of weeks but for good..

Dr. Helm and I had a little chat.

It's too late to apologiiize...? Graf made some effort, Anne requested some excuse, can't remember for what.

"das flenst."

Good vibes between Phil & Anne again.. temperature's rising.

He couldn't believe his luck.

the smoke after...

Judith tried to reach Christian, while Graf deliberately tried to "ruin" my shot by moving "fast".. Gee I HATE drunken people.

Rather calm moment in a loud, loud, loud place.

The Graf.

After things between Phil & Anne cooled down he turned towards booze and Art.. not art as in oil-on-canvas-art, but as in Art, the cute guy with glasses.

Last frame of the night.. Judith was already like D'uuuuh.. Welcome home, princess.

Well, back to portfoliorizing, also the blogger interface freaks me out right now..
so long,
take care,