issue #18
Here it comes, part 2. Met up with Tob and Shoo in Heidelberg before attending some more christmas-related family activities...
Shoo, iranian coat-mannequin.
Tob and Shoo... some woman tried to signal us through a window that she needed us to let her in, we didn't get it straight away.
Drove home, arrived at my grand-parents' house and met my aunt Annette.
Grampa, in very grampaish pose. =)
Went home, checked with my mate graf what was "ON" tonight.. with that gesture he told me that "IT" was on. namely party at his place, namely "The No.4".
So I picked up Maddin and we went straight for the super-market to buy some hooch n booze... Went round one rack and spotted Judith and Christian in the liquor-section. We joined forces with them.
Judith was not very sure what to take.. even though everybody of us knew that she'd go for Martini. She always does. She loves that fuckin' stuff...
The Person sneaking up behind Maddin seemed quite sure what to get, grabbing deeep...
So much wine, so little time. Living in this very region not only makes you an early lover of wine, it also makes you hypercritical.. "oaah.. not this junk again..."
Christian, being a pretty "yes-saying" person. JA!
W T F ?
Shoppingcarts. Waiting outside.
Gathering up for the ride to Graf's p(a)lace...
Christian bought some great Kodak Farbwelt 400... awesome film.
Stalking lovers. Great thing to do.
Bwahaha... Oh he didn't load this one up? YES HE DID!!! Bwaaahahah OWNED!
Excuse my childishness.
FUCK THIS BOTTLE. I so love how she looks there.. Minus bottle, 50mm instead of 35 and this would be hanging on my wall.
Art & Panama. Still sober. Still...
Christian Cartier-Bresson.
Panamaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha. yeeah.
Martini. If Judith would be a bottle, It'd be this one.
Graf. I love how 'open' his face looks here.
again, some moviestill-like frame. At least I think so...
Sooner or later the mac enters the arena.. as usual.
"But if you sing, sing sing, sing, sing, sing For the love you bring won't mean a thing"
More singing.
Graf hiding behind his macbook... poor bastard, with his pathetic Macbook.. Not even PRO!! BWAHAHAH! Sucker.. ;-)
Being drunk I got the BRILLIANT idea that shooting through an empty glass would add some atmospheric mood to the shots. Hard to tell anything in this picture.
Kissing, dancing, dunno.
more love.
Panama and Graf, pure manlyhood.. manlyhood? that a word?
Last frame arrived toooooo quickly.
Met up with Tob and Zed in Mannheim for Coffee and Film/Camera Transactions 8-)
Crossing the bridge at 1/250s.
Parking Policecar.
Baby & Father taking picture of it with cellphonecam.
Christian joined us after returning some fireworks which he didn't fire up on new year's eve.
This night we gathered up at the "Brauhaus" for some Beer and laughter. Mainly Beer, though.
Somehow this makes me laugh.
Robin, dead-serious again.. lost in an ocean of thought i guess =) Actually he's pretty pretty funny, dunno why I tend to capture him like this.
Graf talked him into some pretty awkward sounding booze.. Can't recall what they were drinking.
Too bright, still like it.
Next night, poker at Koni's house.
*shuffles* / bokehPod.
Annika ruled the game.
Graf trying to look cool.. he kinda crossed the line to looking very very tired.
Hanna scores. *grr*
Hanna going on about her victory with very rapid head movement..
The other morning I drove Koni to the airport in Frankfurt /Main so he could hop on his plane back to Hongkong. Goodbye lad, miss him already.
Another night at "Victor's Gemütlichkeit". I fuckin love this place..
Phil got caught. He made a fitting gesture.
Victor sneaked up on Graf.
Again, I try to shot.. dunno.. movielike?
Some movement.
Robin rubbing his nose.
Victor brought some coffee and some veeeery worn-out jokes to our table.
Phil. He's acting. Victor knows. Everybody knows.
"What's the deal???"
Next day. Visited Christian and Judith at Judith's place... Christian playing around with the Nintendo DS of Judith's little sister.
Judith was quite hung-over :-*
Later that day. Walked through a rainy mannheim with Headphones on, pumping music in my head. Saltillo. Great stuff, check it out
here. I COMMAND you to.
It was Judith's last night in Germany before returning home, so Christian wasn't in the funniest mood.
Bar Still No. 2423343535123
classy, somehow..?
Goodbye Judith... see you in a couple of months !
that's it for now...
take care,